Current cyclones and Watching

When the climate is radicalized

Le 12 septembre 2021 à 8:25

By Olivier Tisserant
4.81/5 (53)

For more than 40 years, scientists have alerted the world to what is being prepared in terms of climate change. Initially divided, they gradually evolved into a very solid consensus in forecasting climate change and in analyzing its close link with our greenhouse gas emissions. Today more than 95% of specialists on the subject agree that the situation is about to become dramatic if we do not radically change our lifestyles and consumption in the very short term.

For the Western population, these doomsday announcements and forecasts were mostly inaudible. Admittedly, it was sometimes warmer, the rainfalls was less regular, but on the whole the daily life did not really change. But in recent years, extraordinary weather phenomena have followed one another at breakneck speed and never seen before. And above all, they now affect geographic areas that thought they were rather immune to this kind of thing.

More and more frequent very violent tropical systems

In recent years, the frequency of violent cyclones has increased significantly, regardless of the basin (Atlantic, Pacific or Indian Ocean). In the Atlantic, for example, 4 of the 10 most violent cyclones for a century have occurred in the past 15 years. And among them 2 have taken place in the last 4 years. If we look since 1960 and the arrival of weather satellites (before the counting of cyclones was more random) we can see a clear trend on the increase in the frequency of major hurricanes in the Atlantic.

Major hurricanes in the Atlantic since 1960

Sources: Hurdat2 file / NOAA

Of course, a statistical sample of 60 years on a climatic data is weak and cannot claim to give solid results, but one can nevertheless perfectly isolate a trend. And if we go back a little further in the past, until the beginning of the 1990th century, we come across data close to or much lower than that presented here until XNUMX.

Hurricanes are only a tiny part of the problem

Here in the West Indies, we are particularly sensitive to the issue of cyclones and we pay particular attention to it, especially in history, because we have all been affected at one time or another. But cyclones here, it is ultimately not surprising. What is more important, however, are meteorological events that go far beyond their usual impact zones.

And in recent years, this is more and more often the case. In recent weeks alone, we have seen:

These phenomena are completely outside the norms in these areas and their sequence in a few weeks is completely unprecedented. We have often experienced exceptional events in new places, but never at this frequency. These are simply the beginnings of the climate chaos already at work and which will only intensify in the years to come if we do not take drastic measures on our lifestyle and consumption very, very quickly.

Geographical areas not at all prepared

The major problem with these weather episodes that go outside their usual geographic area is that they hit areas that are completely prepared for this kind of thing. Storm IDA (major Cat 4 hurricane over Louisiana) which caused tornadoes in New Jersey also caused huge rainfalls over New York and the surroundings creating very dangerous situations in certain streets and in the metro. Our western metropolises with dense underground life are not adapted to such significant amounts of rainfalls. Just as homes and infrastructure in temperate zones are not prepared for weather systems that did not affect them in the past. Tornadoes in New Jersey caused enormous damage to homes not built at all to deal with this sort of thing.

Tornadoes New-Jersey


And I am not talking about the fires that take year after year to completely new proportions or the many meteorological artefacts all over the planet.

Climate change has been here for years, climate chaos is coming

These episodes at least have the merit of making Western populations aware of the gravity of the situation who believed themselves to be rather sheltered and safe. EVERYBODY will have to quickly feel insecure, just as we feel insecure in the heart of the hurricane season, for collective awareness to be sufficient and for things to change.

Because we must not kid ourselves. Climate change has been at work for many years now and the next stage is climate chaos, the first effects of which are those I have just described.

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2 years ago

crisp and clear, as always

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