Météo Martinique - Readings, forecasts and cyclonic risk on Saint-Joseph

The level of alertness is GREEN

Weather situation

Tuesday April 23, 2024 at 02:00 p.m. local

Sky: light rain
Temperature : 26 ° C
Humidity : 78%
Pressure: 1013 hPa
Wind: 6 kts (11 km / h)
Direction Tropical weather: wind forecast orientation
Rainfall over 1 hour: 0.15 mm
Sunrise : 05h
Sunset : 18h

(Météo-France data / Openweathermap / Metars)

Changes since 3 hours

Wind evolution: +2 kts
Management evolution: + 30 °
Pressure evolution: -2 hPa
Rainfall: 0.41 mm*
Rainfall not always counted

Satellite image

tropical weather: Satellite image.

Sand and dry air

Tropical weather: Dry air and density of dust in the air.

Cyclone risk

No cyclone threatens the territory

There is no cyclone or system monitored by the nhc in the Atlantic. We are not currently in a hurricane period

View season stats


Tropical Weather: Shear Wind Map.

SST (water temp.)

Risk at 120h

Max wind at 120h: 13 kts
Maximum gusts at 120h: 15 kts
Wind rotation 120h (red):

Minimum pressure at 120h: 1012 hPa
View the full forecast

(Forecast model data GFS 0.25 ° - 00:23 UTC run on 04-XNUMX)

rainfalls radar

If available

Thunderstorm radar

If available

Cyclone risk

No cyclone threatens the territory

There is no cyclone or system monitored by the nhc in the Atlantic. We are not currently in a hurricane period

View season stats

Weather situation

Tuesday April 23, 2024 at 02:00 p.m. local

Sky: light rain
Temperature : 26 ° C
Humidity : 78%
Pressure: 1013 hPa
Wind: 6 kts (11 km / h)
Direction Tropical weather: wind forecast orientation
Rainfall over 1 hour: 0.15 mm
Sunrise : 05h
Sunset : 18h

(Météo-France data / Openweathermap / Metars)

Changes since 3 hours

Wind evolution: +2 kts
Management evolution: + 30 °
Pressure evolution: -2 hPa
Rainfall: 0.41 mm*
Rainfall not always counted

Risk at 120h

Max wind at 120h: 13 kts
Maximum gusts at 120h: 15 kts
Wind rotation 120h (red):

Minimum pressure at 120h: 1012 hPa
View the full forecast

(Forecast model data GFS 0.25 ° - 00:23 UTC run on 04-XNUMX)

rainfalls radar

If available

Thunderstorm radar

If available

Satellite image

tropical weather: Satellite image.


Tropical Weather: Shear Wind Map.

SST (water temp.)

Sand and dry air

Tropical weather: Dry air and density of dust in the air.

Close system




This site has been developed for entertainment and understanding the weather in the tropics.

It should only be used NEVER for the safety of people or property.

Only information from your national meteorological service and your civil security should be used in case of proven risk!


