Current cyclones and Watching

Cyclones in the Atlantic

938 named systems have been recorded over the Atlantic basin (this also includes the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico) since 1951. It is possible that a few were not very well assessed at the start of the period, before satellite imagery began. becomes relevant and ubiquitous.

Quasiment de la moitié (460) de ces systèmes n’ont pas dépassé le stade de tempête tropicale. Les 476 autres se sont renforcés au stade d’ouragan. 193 sont devenus des ouragans majeurs (Cat. 3 et +) et 31 des ouragans de catégorie 5.

Il est important de noter que la somme des ouragans de Cat. 4 et Cat. 5 (117) est 54% supérieure au nombre d’ouragans de Cat. 3. C’est très important parce que ça indique que les ouragans de Cat. 3 ont 1,5 fois plus de “chance” de se renforcer que de se stabiliser. Il faut garder cela à l’esprit.

All cyclones in the Atlantic since 1950

Distribution of cyclones by season

Number of cyclones and ACE intensity

We can see that, overall, ACE (Accumulated Cyclone Energy) is correlated with the number of systems in a season. There are however notable exceptions like the 2017 season which with 17 named cyclones was a little above average (13) is the 5th most intense season compared to the ACE index. In the other direction, the 2020 season which is the 1st in number of systems (26) has an ACE index of 180, i.e. less than the 9th in history since 1951. 

The 10 most violent cyclones

The islands indicated as affected were not necessarily affected at the peak of the hurricane intensity. For Gilbert in 1988 for example, which is the second most intense cyclone in the Atlantic, it passed over Martinique in a tropical storm. To see the strongest cyclones to hit an island, go to cyclone statistics for the islands.

List of cyclones since 1950

Click on the name of a cyclone or an island to view detailed information, you can sort the list by column or directly search for a name. On mobile you can drag the table horizontally with your finger.

Translations are automated.

Current cyclones and Watching

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